Fullstack Architecte VueJS Developer

8 années d'expérience
Principal domaine - PHP
Recherche d'un travail dans Amsterdam/Netherlands Berlin/Germany London/United Kingdom Malmo/Sweden Oslo/Norway Stockholm/Sweden Zurich/Switzerland
Travailler de Kiev/Ukraine
Salaire attendu: 7 200 €

Expérience passée

Main expertise: application architecture, complex DB queries, PHP, Laravel, VueJS
I have more thane 25 years in general of software development experience including Windows Desktop application development.
I love speed optimization tasks and am good at abstract tasks.
I prefer stable functionality against the latest.
I work with legacy code as well. Not much people are happy working with it, as it can be not that easy and surely take more time as expected.
I'm sociable and can fit in well with your team.

Attentes d'un nouvel emploi

I would be happy adding value to your company's growth and culture to prosperity.
I'm focused on long-term relationships to serve you the best way possible.