Fullstack Junior front-end developer (React)

0 langjährige erfahrung
Haupttechnologiedomäne - JavaScript
Auf der Suche nach einer Arbeit in Kiev/Ukraine
Kandidaten mit einer Arbeitserlaubnis Arbeit vor Ort
Arbeiten von Kiev/Ukraine
Gehaltsvorstellung: 1.000 €

Vergangene Erfahrung

My commercial development experience is 5 months. Technologies - React(redux), Next.js, JS.

My projects that i can show you: https://loial.pro/, https://saia.club/


In my first specialty, I grew from a handyman to a project manager in 6 years. After that, I took on a new challenge and thanks to perseverance and effort, after 5 months of daily hard work, I became a front-end developer.

Erwartungen von der neuen Arbeit

I want to find a friendly team and continue to develop my development skills, learn new technologies for the benefit of the company and myself.