Middle ReactJS Developer

Orange Sputnik

Skills Required

AJAX CSS Git HTML JavaScript npm React Redux REST SASS

Soft Skills Requested

Language Requirements

English - B2: Upper-intermediate
(You're comfortable in most situations, still some good mistakes)

Job Description

We are looking for passionate and collaborative ReactJS Developers with a high level of independence to help build frontend for operating system to build Ai-based application in a fast paced manner.
We have a backend part done. Now our mission to build frontend from scratch.
As a ReactJS Developer, you will be responsible for the development and maintenance of the frontend part of our operating system.
With our operating system, connecting cutting edge generative AI models to data sources makes our customers makes this process as never been easier.
Whether it's relational databases, CRM, ERP systems, or even Word and PDF documents, we enable seamless integration.

Daily tasks

  • Implement various features & products
  • Implement UI/UX solutions into our applications
  • Help maintain code quality in your team
  • Ensure the performance, quality, and responsiveness of applications
  • Collaborate with your team leader to define, design, and ship new features
  • Plan, execute and measure experiments and tests
  • Collaborate with the team to create new functionality and optimize the user experience

Job Profile

Equipment provided


Job Methodology

GIT: Yes
Scrum: Yes


Flat structure
International project
Small team
Briefly about Orange Sputnik
Founded in
Company Size
Country of Origin
Czech Republic
Prague, Kyiv, Dnipro

Middle ReactJS Developer

Orange Sputnik

€1,000 - €3,000
Office location: Prague, Kyiv, Dnipro
Offer options
Fulltime remote
Offer published 11 Sept 2023